Apr 26, 2018

basic Learning Strategical moves on the Chess Center

What is chess strategy? The art of chess strategy is knowing how to formulate a plan for the chess game, and arrange your chess pieces to accomplish this plan. The chess strategy outlined below will get any new chess player on the road to understanding correct chess opening strategy - how to control the chess board from move one. Later you will discover many resources to aid in further improvement.
Introduction to Chess Strategy
Beginning chess players discover very quickly that learning how the pieces move is only the tip of the chess playing iceberg. It's usually after several moves of a typical chess game that the question arises, "What now?" Here we will discuss general chess principles in the chess opening.
This page will provide you with some very simple, easy guidelines in chess strategy for playing the chess opening. Aimed at beginners who know only the rules and moves, there is no talk about specific openings or strings of moves to memorize; only general chess strategy principles to think about when starting a chess game.
Remembering this will help you to understand the principles we're about to discuss.
1) Good chess strategy is to make your first move with the e-pawn or d-pawn advancing two squares. In either case, you will open pathways for the pieces to get off of the back rank and into the fight for the central squares.
2) Good chess strategy is playing each piece one time to its best square, developing them all in turn, and getting your chess pieces off the starting squares. You want to get your pieces into the game rapidly, and posted where they can accomplish something - either aiding your attack or defense of the center. Seldom will you move the same piece twice in the chess opening.
3) Good chess strategy is keeping your King safe, so castle early and get him behind your wing pawns. Castling is a great way to safeguard your King from sudden chess tactics and even checkmate - it gets the King away from the center and develops one of your Rooks at the same time. Top level chess strategy!
4) Good chess strategy is advancing only one or two pawns in the chess opening, just enough to stake out the center and develop your pieces quickly. Moving pawns can weaken your defenses, and is responsible for many losses in the chess opening. A pawn move can never be retracted!
5) Good chess strategy is to make a threat when developing the pieces, which will limit the opponent's freedom of choice. This is the "initiative", a chess strategy meant to dictate the game's course. Develop and threaten - good chess strategy!
If a beginner at chess will stay with these basic principles of chess strategy, success on the board is not far behind! See here for more ideas in the chess opening.

Oct 17, 2016

'HOW TO PLAY CHESS', Lesson No - 2


'How to Play Chess' Lesson No - 2 is upon   THE CHESS BOARD 

                                               Chess's game is played on the chess board and that Chess board is also known as 'Area of War Game'. When  you  look  at  chess board first you  see “squares”. The colors  of  squares  are  white  and  green. The Chess board consist of Total 64 squares wherein Half of them  are  white and  the others are green. 
                                   Chess board  is not a simple play area. It is  a struggle area with lots of features. The  first  step  of  chess  success  starts  with  recognizing  this  area. Therefore all chess players must learn the features of chess board first.

Some of Important features of THE CHESS-BOARD mentions in bellow:-
  • File:- In chess mentioned 'File' as same as 'Column'. Any Vertical row on the Chess-board is called 'File'. 'Files are noted with the letters 'A' to 'H' for identification of square.
  • Rank:- In chess mentioned 'Rank' as same as 'Row'. Any Horizontal row on the Chess-board is also called 'Rank'. Ranks are noted with the number '1' to '8' for identification of square.
  • There are 64 squares chess-board consisted with the Eight Rank and Eight File line.
  • Diagonal:- A straight line of square the same color and touching corner to corner is called 'Diagonal'. The Longest Diagonal are 'A1' to 'H8' and 'H1 to 'A8'.
  • Center Square:- It is middle Square of the Chess-board. There are the 'E4','E5','D5'&'D4's squares and it is really important to control these square.
  • Sub-Center:- Is is adjacent square of center square of the chess-board. There are the 'C4','F4','F5' & 'C5" and it is also necessary for control the squares.
  • Middle Line:- A line divides the chess-board transverse in two part is called Middle Line.
                All the more details information of The Chess-Board elaborates on the above mentioned video. And It is also very necessary  to memorize the 64 square Chess-board in your mind definitely and thereafter, you'll become a Good Player for The Chess game. 

                                         Thank you..

Oct 11, 2016

"HOW TO PLAY CHESS! " Lesson No-1

Before you learn The Chess from the beginning,

 Firstly you would be known that-


          "WHAT IS CHESS?"

"chess known as “the game of kings"

*The Chess is the best sport to exercise the most important organ in our bodies especially the brain. For that reason its called The Chess is The Brain Game.

*The Chess is a game of pure intellect, focus, and wits, in which the players win or lose solely depending on their own performance.

*Benjamin Franklin said about that “ Chess is a kind of life, life is a kind of chess.”


  • The Chess helps to raise your IQ , to Promote brain growth, to memory improvemen,  to prevent Alzheimer (i.e.the loss of memory), to increases problem-solving skills, to improves reading skills etc.
  • chess is a little model of life and to grab this model well refers to know the life better. So you can benefit from this model for the things that you want to use in life. You can use learning as a tool of teaching.
  • chess as a tool for the child education and give messages about life by using chess model. Even the child who starts to grab the philosophy of chess will realize the precious for chess is valid for life, too.
  • When you try to teach our children the right and wrong things in educational way, you see that this is not working even it is irritating. Whereas chess shows how movements give shape to game and which kind of results that new situation brings in correspondence between cause and effect. As a result, the child realizes that the behaviors in daily life have results like chess.
  • The Chess teaches the child how to make Struggle together with management of struggle, skill of management, art of management even sometimes it teaches crisis management.
  • The Chess expresses long and short terms Goals. Without any goals the game will be played meaningless. Chess teaches how to make plan by using the most rationalistic possibilities to reach the goal. On the way, which is going the goal, it introduces to be cautious against all negativities and even if the details will be calculated, all moves should serve to the real goal.
  • The Chess another expresses the concept of SuccessEveryone wants to catch success as a target. The children want to reach success immediately and easily, however success is not a favor for people. There is a long process includes patience, determination, sacrifice and planned working behind success.
  • The child who has learned Concentration with the help of chess.  It makes them easier to concentrate on the other subjects and their lessons in the future. It can be seen that the concentration problem of children who are playing chess, will be decreased significantly.
  • The Chess helps to build, First the child think the best position in mind and then play the move on board. When children keep the things they want to do alive before in their minds, their creativity and self confidence will be increased.
  • Especially chess has an effect on positional Memory. Keeping all moves in mind is the result of developed memory. The basic element which steps up memory is forcing storage. Chess decreases the problem of forgetfullness. It is possible to say the improved memory is not limited with the chess game and also it has an effect on the other fields.
  • The Chess teaches  the children the concept of time. Chess is not a speed game against time. However it is a thinking sports, supposed to be played in a determined time period. The effective playing is the ability to use both. That means the ability to take the right decision in a determined period.
  • Chess is a good friend for the children. They can share their loneliness, they lived. Chess gets children away from crime. Chess provides a reliable and warm atmosphere.
               It is really important for a child to  grab life and for balanced and healthy child development. Chess which is an intellectual profession makes easier for a child to recognize his/her environment  & improve communication. Furthermore it helps to a better emotionational development for a child.
            Whereas  chess  is  a  good  choice. When  the  children  choose  this,  they will  be  all  successfull. 
           I can say chess is really beneficial for children when I consider all these.  

            So,all above question's answer has to give in the mention video.!!  
      Hope all are understood & got to know that why the chess is necessary to play.!!
  Thank you....